The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is a national organization tasked with advancing excellent oral health, as well as acting as the voice for dentistry in Canada. In line with its mandate to enhance professional development, CDA has multiple awards including the CDA Medal of Honour, which is the highest award from the Canadian Dental Association. The award is given to an outstanding dentist who has been at the forefront of providing excellent patient care throughout their career. In addition, the recipient is an individual whose professional achievements have significantly impacted the dental profession and community, as well as the wider society. Award recipients are dentists who’ve also significantly contributed toward shaping CDA’s goals and objectives. Eligible dentists should be a licensed dentist in a CDA corporate member organization. Also, retired dentists and dentists from CDA affiliate members may be considered.
Dr. James Frizzell is a Ontario dentist. An alumnus of the University of Ontario, James Frizzell, DDS, has managed his own private dental practice in Niagara Falls, where together with his team of hygienists, he offers services including emergency dental treatment, restorative dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry, among others. James Frizzell, DDS, maintains membership in multiple professional organizations, including the Canadian Dental Association.
The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is a national organization tasked with advancing excellent oral health, as well as acting as the voice for dentistry in Canada. In line with its mandate to enhance professional development, CDA has multiple awards including the CDA Medal of Honour, which is the highest award from the Canadian Dental Association. The award is given to an outstanding dentist who has been at the forefront of providing excellent patient care throughout their career. In addition, the recipient is an individual whose professional achievements have significantly impacted the dental profession and community, as well as the wider society. Award recipients are dentists who’ve also significantly contributed toward shaping CDA’s goals and objectives. Eligible dentists should be a licensed dentist in a CDA corporate member organization. Also, retired dentists and dentists from CDA affiliate members may be considered.
James Frizzell, DDS, owns and operates a private practice in Niagara Falls, Ontario, with four committed oral hygienists on staff. Dr. James Frizzell treats patients with a wide range of dental conditions, and emphasizes preventive care. A chipped or broken tooth requires dental attention following the injury as soon as possible. In the meantime, there are some recommended self-care measures that can help prevent further injuries and manage symptoms. Pain can result from a broken, chipped, or fractured tooth. Motrin and other OTC pain relievers can help manage the pain. It's also helpful to rinse the mouth with salt water. Between the accident and the dental evaluation, avoid eating. If you must eat, only soft foods that require less chewing are safe. Some broken, fractured, or chipped teeth have sharp edges that can cut the tongue and tissues in the mouth. To avoid further injury, cover the sharp or jagged tooth with sugarless chewing gum or wax paraffin. A member of the Canadian Dental Association, James Frizzell, DDS, is a dedicated Niagara Falls, Ontario-based dentist with a career that has spanned more than 25 years. Since 1993, Dr. Frizzell has managed a private practice in Niagara Falls, Ontario, providing comprehensive dental care, including cosmetic and general dentistry. To serve his community, James Frizzell, DDS works after office hours to treat emergency trauma cases.
A traumatic dental injury, a chipped tooth, occurs when the tooth chips after a traumatic impact. Mild chipped teeth happen when only the outermost covering of the teeth (enamel) flakes. This doesn't result in symptoms. If the injury affects any front teeth, treatment may be required for aesthetic reasons. A procedure called bonding can help replace the flaked part with a tooth-colored dental resin. If the chip is deep and exposes the second layer (dentin), abnormal sensitivity to heat and cold will emerge. This symptom is felt when the tooth is exposed to hot, warm, or cold food. Abnormal sensitivity to touch may also be present. Dentists often recommend endodontic treatment first, and then tooth crowning. Tooth crowning covers the chipped tooth with a protective material called a dental crown. Porcelain crowns are more lifelike cosmetically, and prevent fracturing of a brittle root canal treated tooth in the future. A dentist in the Niagara Falls, Ontario community, James Frizzell, DDS, has owned and operated hisprivate practice. At his practice, Dr. Frizzell lhas contributed to sponsoring local sports teams. James Frizzell, DDS, has also provided after-hours emergency care to patients with traumatic dental injuries.
Traumatic dental injuries often result from sports injuries and accidents. Major types include a chipped tooth, a partially dislodged tooth, and an avulsed tooth (total knockout of a tooth from its socket), or abscessed teeth. A chipped tooth is often a minor injury, but checking with a dentist is recommended. The injury may superficially seem like only the chipped tooth is affected, whereas nearby teeth and tissues may suffer unnoticed injuries. Dental exams can help detect any superficially obscured injuries. Dislodged or avulsed teeth are more serious and can cause a complication called root resorption. Root resorption happens when the immune system no longer recognizes a tooth as a part of the body. The immune system treats the tooth like a foreign invader and fights it, resulting in pain and toothache, swollen gums, tooth discoloration, and tooth shifting. To prevent repulsion, a dentist or endodontist may provide preemptive treatment and frequently monitor the patient's dental health for up to five years. Dr. James Frizzell, a dentist in Niagara Falls, Ontario, earned his DDS from the University of Toronto. Before starting his dentistry practice in Niagara Falls, James Frizzell, DDS, served eight years in the Canadian Forces Dental Corps. As a long-time dentist, Dr. James Frizzell accepts ODSP patient insurance plans.
The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) provides its recipients with help covering costs related to health, including dental work. A recipient and their spouse are covered for basic dental services and problems relating to a person’s disability, such as medication that affects oral health. Any dependents over 18 years of age can get dental coverage through Ontario Works discretionary benefits. To access dental benefits, an ODSP recipient should ask a dentist if they accept patients on social assistance programs, as not all private dentists can accept ODSP patients. The patient should then present their ODSP monthly statement or government ID to verify that they are eligible for treatment. The ODSP enables patients who do not have insurance or cannot afford to pay out-of-pocket have to access high-quality dental services. A dentist in Niagara Falls, Ontario, James Frizzell, DDS, has treated patients at Frizzell Dentistry since 1993. Employing a team of four dental hygienists at the Niagara Falls office, Dr. James Frizzell performs cosmetic, general, and restorative dentistry, including the installation of crowns.
Crowns can effectively restore the shape, structure, and appearance of a damaged or weak tooth. Because a porcelain crown matches the tooth color, it makes an aesthetically pleasing choice for a front tooth. Additionally, porcelain is resistant to temperature changes, which means patients are less likely to experience sensitivity to heat or cold. Another option for patients is a porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crown, which places a porcelain exterior over a durable metal interior. This option combines the strength of metal with the aesthetic appeal of porcelain. Finally, all-metal crowns work well for molars farther back in the mouth, where appearance is less of a concern. They can also withstand heavy chewing. A dentist practicing in Niagara Falls, Ontario. James Frizzell, DDS, provides several cosmetic procedures. Among the treatments Dr. James Frizzell offers patients in the Niagara Falls area is the placement of crowns.
Crowns resemble miniature caps that cover all or three-quarters of a cavity-stricken tooth. Sometimes installed after root canals or implants, crowns are designed according to the tooth’s location and visibility. Other factors include the color of the tooth, the proportion of the tooth that is healthy, gum condition, and the tooth’s function. Crowns last from five to 15 years or longer. In addition to porcelain, they can be made from metal, resin, or a ceramic or pressed ceramic. All but the metal kind can be color-matched to the surrounding teeth. Getting a crown requires one or two visits. During the first session, the dentist makes a mold of the area. When the laboratory has made the crown, the patient returns for a fitting. In between visits, the dentist installs a temporary crown. Some offices have an onsite lab so that only one visit is necessary. James Frizzell, DDS, of Niagara Falls, has worked at Frizzell Dental for over 25 years. A member of the Canadian Dental Association, Dr. James Frizzell is a dentist who understands various dentistry conditions, including referred tooth pain.
When a person experiences tooth pain, in most cases, this may result from a cracked tooth, tooth decay, an impacted wisdom tooth, or tooth infection. However, in some cases, the cause of the pain may not be related to the teeth. Referred tooth pain is pain felt in the teeth but originates from another body part. Such pain is usually referred from other sources such as muscles and nerves. Here are some non-dental causes. 1. Sinusitis may cause toothache since the upper teeth rest near the sinuses. When the sinuses get inflamed, these upper teeth may experience pain. 2. Trigeminal neuralgia is a painful nerve condition involving the trigeminal nerve, a pair of sensory nerves connecting the brain to each side of the face. They also feed muscles in the jaw to enable chewing. If they get inflamed, they may lead to excruciating tooth pain. 3. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) is a disorder involving the joints hinging the lower jaw. Pain in the temporomandibular joints may be experienced elsewhere, including the teeth. 4. An ear infection may cause tooth pain. This is because the nerves feeding the jaws and the ears are interconnected. At times, it may be the ear that is affected, but a person experiences such pain in the teeth. Dr. James Frizzell is an Ontario dentist who has drawn on his DDS to operate his own practice in Niagara Falls since 1993. Outside of the professional environment, James Frizzell, DDS, enjoys fishing in Lake Ontario.
Anglers gather on Lake Ontario to catch salmon and other types of fish. The lake is home to two salmon species: the Chinook and the Coho. The state of New York stocks Lake Ontario with roughly 7 million Chinook and 250,000 Coho each year. Chinook and Coho differ substantially in terms of size. While Chinook can measure up to 36 inches and weigh as much as 50 pounds, Coho rarely exceed 28 inches and generally weigh between 7 and 11 pounds. Both of these salmon species are silver when in fresh water, but when they enter their ocean phase, the Chinook’s sides turn golden, while the Coho’s sides become red. While both species have black mouths, the gums of the Coho are white. Furthermore, Chinook have a far narrower caudal peduncle than the Coho. A member of the Canadian Dental Association, Dr. James Frizzell is an experienced dentist who received his DDS from the University of Toronto's Faculty of Dentistry and currently operates a private dental practice in Niagara Falls, Ontario. At his practice, Dr. James Frizzell with his staff of four dedicated hygienists provide patients of all ages with a wide array of dental options.
Brittle teeth are teeth that can easily chip, break, or fracture. Most brittle teeth lack sufficient reinforcement from the enamel: the dense mineral that covers and structurally protects the tooth. Habits like teeth grinding, teeth clenching, inadequate brushing, and over brushing can cause weak enamel. Researchers have linked certain nutritional deficiencies with tooth brittleness. These include a lack of vitamin A and vitamin D. Vitamin D helps the body absorb minerals that contribute to strong enamel. These minerals are calcium and phosphorus. Sugary foods and beverages can weaken the enamel if they are consumed excessively. Certain diseases can also cause brittle teeth. A notable example is gastroesophageal acid reflux disease (GERD), which can expose the enamel to acid damage. A genetic condition called dentinogenesis imperfecta can also contribute to tooth brittleness. This disease has nothing to do with the enamel, but rather affects the structure of the middle layer of the teeth right from birth. |
December 2020